Prohibited Industries

Prohibited businesses, industries

The company has set itself the prohibition of the list of goods and services (industry):

1. Banknotes sales;

2. Drugs and the use of a drug or drug-like substance;

3. Arms and ammunition;

4. Jewelry, precious metals;

5. Reinsurance and insurance services;

6. Cash services (such as current Treasury, currency exchange offices, money transfer agents or other service providers that offer money transfer facilities);

7. Currency trading intermediary services (for example, forex dealers), except in cases where the provider is licensed or provided legal opinion and is carried out in the service provider’s supervision;

8. Binary Options;

9. Multi-level marketing (MLM);

10. Antiques and art trade;

11. Pharmacies and pharmaceutical activity, pharmaceutical, proprietary medicinal products and pharmaceutical trade;

12. The sale of tobacco products;

13. Illegal / piracy audio or video recordings;

14. Infringing goods (counterfeit goods);

15. Sexual services, Adult;

16. Financial pyramid;

17. Debt collection services;

18. Accept assets that are known or suspected to be the proceeds of criminal activity;

19. Enter into/maintain business relationships with individuals or entities known or suspected to be a terrorist or a criminal organisation or member of such or listed on sanction lists;

20. Maintain anonymous accounts, accounts for shell banks or pay-through accounts.